Hajja Salesjana October-November 2020
28 H AJJA S ALESJANA survive during this time, we kill, annul, or maim their dreams and their desire to do something great and beautiful with their lives. What is left for them if they don’t find real meaning and purpose in their lives – the kind of meaning that motivates and energizes them every morning? I am wondering: Do we adults remember our own dreams? Do you remember yours? I would like to think we do and that somehow they are coming true. Well then, let’s keep believing during this century in which so many are saying that the “utopias” have come crashing down, that it is possible to have and share visions, ideals, and dreams. Let us continue to believe and to desire that after this pandemic will have finished that our world and our society will not just go back to pick up again where it left off, as though “regaining lost time”. I know there are things that we need to rethink, such as taking very seriously that our common home, planet earth, can “feel better” and “breathe more deeply” because it just returns to us what we give to it: life or stress. I want to dream and hope that we do not give up taking steps in favour of an ever more just society. I want to dream and I pray that the racism that exists in some parts of the world (and which is far more prevalent than we think), is disappearing. I want to dream and wish that we will trust and believe more in our young people and in the generations that will follow us. This is why I make the words of Pope Francis my own , “May I dream and help all those whom I meet dream, too.” May the Good Lord bless you. Don Angel Photo by Javardh from www.unsplash.com
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