Hajja Salesjana October-November 2020

H AJJA S ALESJANA 12 photo by Matthew Henry from www.unsplash.com I’ve learned so much from simplifying my closet and dressing with a small micro capsule wardrobe. While I’ve learned what best fits my body and my lifestyle, most of the lessons have nothing to do with clothing. I typically steer away from making recommendations on what you should wear, but feel strongly that none of us (at any age) need to wear these three things ever again… 1. Stop wearing the guilt of your past. Guilt and regret about the past aren’t serving your present. In fact, because of that guilt, you aren’t fully enjoying your current life. Whether it is guilt about letting go of something in your closet that you spent too much on, or guilt about a past relationship or anything in between, you have paid enough. You’ve paid with your money, time, attention and emotion. You can stop paying now. Let go, apologize, forgive and choose to live free of guilt and regret. 2. Stop wearing the pressure to prove yourself. I rarely bought clothes because I actually needed more clothes. I had plenty. Instead I purchased clothing to feel a certain way and to be perceived in a certain way … to prove myself. I wanted to feel smart, beautiful and loved. I wanted other people to think I was those things too. I tried to prove who I was by what I wore and by what I accomplished. The problem was that there was always more to prove and eventually I forgot who I was in the process. If you have to prove yourself to people you love, that isn’t love. If you struggle to prove yourself at work, maybe you aren’t doing the right work. If you don’t believe me, just stop for a while. Stop pushing and proving and wishing that people would see you the way you think you need to be seen to succeed. Instead, let them see you for you. Once you stop proving yourself, you can be yourself. Please Stop Wearing These 3 Things (at any age) by Courtney Carver