Hajja Salesjana July-September 2020

H AJJA S ALESJANA 17 is not measurable in compensation, in money. Do we still know what to do with it? In a phase in which the growth of their children is, necessarily, often delegated to other figures and institutions, the virus closes the schools and forces them to find alternative solutions, to put mums and dads together with their children. It forces us to rebuild family. In a dimension in which relationships, communication and socializing are played mainly in the “non-space” of the virtual, of the social network, giving us the illusion of closeness, the virus takes away the true one of closeness, the real one: that nobody touch each other, no kisses, no hugs, at a distance, in the cold of non-contact. How much have we taken these gestures and their meaning for granted? In a social phase in which thinking about one’s garden has become the rule, the virus sends us a clear message: the only way out is reciprocity, the sense of belonging, the community, the feeling of being part of something more great to take care of and that can take care of us. The shared responsibility, the feeling that the fate depends not only on you but also on everyone around you. And that you depend on them. So if we stop hunting witches, wondering who is to blame or why all this has happened, but we wonder what we can learn from this, I believe we all have a lot to think about and commit to. Because with the cosmos and its laws, obviously, we are in deep debt. The virus is explaining it to us, at a high price. “ Photo by Natalia Figueredo from www.unsplash.com