Hajja Salesjana July-September 2020

H AJJA S ALESJANA 16 Psychiatrist Dr. Raffaelle Morelli offered some stirring insights on the current global situation. They are worth pondering upon so that we can rise again from the ashes as a renewed humanity by God’s grace... with strong references to a petty past, are reactivating all over the world, a virus arrives that makes us experience that, in a moment, we can become the discriminated, the segregated, those stuck at the border, those who carry disease. Even if we are not to blame. Even if we are white, western and we travel in business class. In a society based on productivity and consumption, in which we all run 14 hours a day, we don’t know exactly for what, without rest, then all of a sudden, the stop comes. Stop at home, for days and days. To deal with a time of which we have lost value, which An Unforgettable Viral Lesson “I believe that the cosmos has its way of balancing things and its laws when they are turned upside down. The moment we are experiencing, full of anomalies and paradoxes, makes you think ... At a time when the climate change caused by environmental disasters has reached worrying levels, China in the first place and many countries to follow, are forced to blockade; the economy collapses, but pollution drops considerably. The air improves; you use the mask, but you breathe ... In a historical moment in which certain discriminatory ideologies and policies, Photo by Laurenz Kleinheider from www.unsplash.com