Hajja Salesjana July-September 2020

15 H AJJA S ALESJANA 3. In which way are you part of the Salesian Family? At the age of 12, I joined the group of Salesian aspirants and filled with affection and admiration for Don Bosco, at the age of 18, I applied to join the Salesian Society. In 1965 I started my formative years to become a Salesian, never lookingback. AfterOrdination, in 1976 I started an active life as a Salesian: nine years as Headmaster at Savio College, twelve as Rector at St. Patrick’s, six years as Provincial Delegate, three years at the Osanna Pia Hostel, six years at Senglea and four years as Administrator at Savio College. At present I am the Chaplain of St. Patrick’s Church. Besides these official ministries, I was theDelegate for thePast Pupils of St. Patrick’s and the Salesian Cooperators of Sliema and Gozo. For many years, I have been involved with the Media Centre by giving amoral guide for films that are released inMaltese cinemas. I also was Chaplain in Chiswick House School and St. Edward’s College. 5. Who is Don Bosco for you and what strikes you most about him? There aremany but I would like tomention a few that inspired me as a Salesian for the past 55 years: “It is not enough to love the young, they must know that they are loved.” “Education is a matter of the heart.” “For you I study, for you I work, for you I live, for you I am ready even to give my life.” What message would you like to pass on to the readers of Óajja Salesjana? Continue to support our work in Malta and abroad. Your financial andmoral support is very important, especially your encouragement and prayers. To educate the young is not an easy mission. Educators, parents, teachers, youth leaders are facing stiff opposition which does not have at heart the formation of the young but unfortunately how these can be used for their ends. Don Bosco’s motto “Give me souls, keep the rest” should be our motto too: saving of souls and help the young to become good Christians and honest citizens. 6. great giant of a saint Don Bosco was. Despite themany difficulties he faced, he never gave up. Guided by Mary’s help, Don Bosco gave a future to so many young people who flocked to Turin seeking his help. He realized the importance of founding the Salesian Society to continue his work. With an educational system of loving care based on three principles: loving kindness, religion and reason one cannot fail to help young people to become good Christians and honest citizens. 4. Is there a phrase or a sentence from Don Bosco that inspires you in your life? I got to know Don Bosco from an early age in my life and I immediately realized what a