Hajja Salesjana July-September 2020

H AJJA S ALESJANA A brief introduction of yourself, your family and your studies. I was born on the 28th May 1946, a twin brother with Vincent. After the birth of two sisters, Margaret and Carmen, we were followed by Edward, Victor and Joseph. My father, Joseph & my mother, Giovanna nee Spiteri brought us all up at 13, Isouard Street, Sliema, close to St. Gregory’s Parish Church. I received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confession, Holy Communion, Confirmation and Ordination in this church. My primary education was at the Montessori School, secondary education at the Lyceum. In 1965, I left Malta for the Salesian Novitiate in UK. Onthe 8th September 1966 I professed my first vows. After three years of Philosophical Studies in England, I returned to Malta. I attended a two year course at St. Michael’s Teachers’ Training College and having finished three years of practical training at St. Patrick’s School, I started my Theological studies: first year at INSERM, the next three years at Maynooth University in Ireland. I was ordained deacon on Easter Monday in Maynooth. Nine months later, I was ordained priest on the 6th December 1975. Returning to Malta after having completed 1. How did you come to know Don Bosco? After Confirmation, I started attending the Salesian Oratory where I came to know the Salesians for the first time. Here I got the first taste of Don Bosco and his work through their example. The Oratory opened daily where we had catechism lessons, then followed by night prayers, Benediction and the ‘Good Night’ in the chapel. Happy years of Salesian formation and encouraged by Fr. Fenech I took an active role as a leader. I took charge of the Altar Servers, President of the Junior Club and sacristan of the Chapel. I was also an active member in the Salesian Boys Brigades. At the age of 19 years, I left family and friends to start my Salesian journey at the Novitiate in Burwash. UK. 2. Fr. Alfred Sacco SDB Mill-album tal-Familja Salesjana 14 my Theological Studies, I started my active service within the Salesian Society.