Hajja Salesjana April-June 2020

22 H AJJA S ALESJANA arrival of the little girl who silently came into the Church. Slowly, she made her way into the sanctuary. Fr. Luke trembled: she could be killed! Unable to communicate with her, he could only watch and beg all the saints in Heaven to protect this child. He observed her as she bowed for a moment and adored in silence, just as she had been taught to do. Little Li stayed with Jesus in adoration for one whole hour, knowing that she was to prepare her heart before receiving Him. Her hands joined together, she whispered a prayer to her Jesus so mistreated and abandoned. Fr. Luke never took his eyes off the young girl, and continued to observe her as she lowered herself down on her knees, bent over, and with her tongue, took up one of the Hosts. She remained there on her knees, eyes closed and in deep joy. Each second seemed an eternity to Fr. Luke. If only he could speak to her! However, his fear was gone when the young girl, with a gentle spring in her step, left the Church quietly and unnoticed. Meanwhile, the Communists searched the entire village to rid it of anything holy. This type of purging was going on throughout the “New China.” Villagers stayed quietly and fearful in their bamboo homes, terrified to venture out. Yet, every morning, Li slipped away to find her Living Bread in the church. Like on the first day, she repeated the same routine of spending one holy hour in adoration of her Friend Jesus. As before, she then took up one Host with her tongue and left quietly. Fr. Luke, concerned for her safety, couldn’t understand why she didn’t take more than one. He knew how many Hosts had been in the ciborium: there were thirty- two and surely she would be seen if she came in each of those days? But, Li didn’t do that, as Sister had taught the children they could have only one Host per day and they were never to touch it except with the tongue. The little girl knew just how precious the Host was: it was Jesus Himself really and truly present.