Hajja Salesjana April-June 2020

21 H AJJA S ALESJANA Bread of Life. In May 1953, when Li made her First Communion, she had asked Jesus in her heart: “Always give me that daily bread so my soul can live and be healthy!” Since then Li, received Holy Communion every day, but she was aware that the Communists would not like this and they could stop the Mass at any time. She asked Jesus to make sure this would never happen. It did happen however! She never forgot the day men entered the classroom and screamed at the children demanding that they hand over any holy objects they had. The terrified children gave up their carefully hand-painted pictures of Jesus, Mary and the Saints. Then in a fit of anger, the Inspector pulled the Crucifix off the wall, threw it down on the ground and trampled on it screaming: “The New China will not tolerate these grotesque superstitions!” Li, who loved her picture of the Good Shepherd, tried to hide it in her blouse. It was a special image given to her for her First Holy Communion. But, a loud slap on her cheek sent her crashing to the floor. That day, the police made a sweep of the village, forcing the people into the tiny Church. The Inspector ridiculed them saying they were tricked into believing God is present in the tabernacle. They watched with disbelief, when in a thundering voice, he ordered the soldiers to fire at the tabernacle. All together the people began to pray intensely because their Jesus was in the tabernacle. In front of them, he grabbed the ciborium and threw the Sacred Hosts onto the floor. Stunned, they turned their gaze away from him and the sacrilegious act he had just carried out, trying to hold back their tears. Little Li froze in horror. Her innocent heart bled for the Sacred Hosts strewn over the ground. “Isn’t anyone going to help Jesus?” she wondered. The Captain continued his insults, interrupting them only to let out his horrible laughter. “Now get out!” the inspector yelled. “Woe to anyone who returns to this den of superstition! He’ll answer to me!” Before they left, the pastor, Fr. Luke was locked in the large coal bunker in the church, where a small opening helped him to see through to the sanctuary where the Hosts lay strewn on the floor. The church quickly emptied. When the communists left, they did not see the small girl who remained praying in the Church. It was Li. As well as Li, there were the angels who are always present around Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to adore Him, and also there was Fr. Luke who saw, through the opening in his bunker, a beautiful, well dressed woman, approach Li, comfort her, and ask if she would like to leave now with her. Li was glad to do so. She broke into tears before they both left. Earlier, foreseeing the takeover, parishioners had asked Fr. Luke to be careful. There was little the priest could do. However, upset at all that happened, there was still one thing he could do. He sank into prayers of atonement for the sacrileges committed against Jesus and suffered because he was not able to come to Jesus’ defense. He prayed in anguish. “Stop this sacrilege! Lord Jesus!” The next day he noticed the