Hajja Salesjana April-June 2020

H AJJA S ALESJANA A brief introduction of yourself, your family and your studies. Born in Victoria, Gozo, December 18th 1943, I am the second in a family of 3 girls and 4 boys. When I was around 7, we moved to Fontana. I spent my happy childhood and teenage years attending the Salesian Oratory in Victoria. In 1964, at the age of 21, I emigrated to the U.S.A. Shortly after I got there, I had to put in a compulsory 6 year stint with the U.S. Army National Guards. In 1973, after a stay just short of 10 years, I returned to Malta. Finding myself back home I rushed back to the Salesians, this time for keeps. During my two year aspirantate I was advised to do my Philosophy studies, in those days at INSERM. My aim was the priesthood. In the course of my novitiate year in Ireland (1979), in consultation with my novice master, I decided to proceed as a lay brother, it suited my temperament. Following novitiate, I took a two year course in Carpentry and Joinery, incorporating Building and Construction 1. How did you come to know Don Bosco? As I have already stated, ever since my childhood I have attended what was in those days the Salesian Oratory in Victoria. As a young man I practically lived there. The name Don Bosco is music to my ears, he was like a second loving father to all who attended. In othe words, Don Bosco runs in my veins, it is that which makes me who I am. He and myself, we’re inseparable. I remember a lot of good and loyal friends at the Oratory, sadly not a few are no longer with us. I treasure my very fond memories of all the Salesians who worked there, may they now rest in peace. The sheer bliss of my childhood and teenage years at Don Bosco’s Oratory wells inside me to this day, I will carry it with me to the grave. 2. Br. Leli Gatt SDB Mill-album tal-Familja Salesjana 14 at Bolton Street Institute of Technology. I have spent all my Salesian years in Malta juggling between our schools and Oratories in Sliema, and Dingli as necessity dictated. For the past 11 years, my Salesian endeavour is in Senglea.