Hajja Salesjana October-December 2019

H AJJA S ALESJANA 4 Nothing is eternal hereunder The older I get, the more acutely aware I become of how precious time is and how it flies, how people and things change along the way and how transient everything is here on Earth. Nothing is eternal hereunder, all is in flux and we too are constantly evolving, learning, maturing and hopefully growing into becoming who God wants us to be. Often this gentle chiselling on our self, this hidden transformation is slow and gradual, but certainly steady. Life and its events relentlessly take their toll upon us and it is up to you and me, with the help of God, to ensure that the effect all this has on our existence be a wholesome one. From all that we experience in life, we can choose to allow it to make us either better or bitter individuals. There is no other way! However, it is ultimately all up to you and me. There is nobody to blame for we alone are responsible to how we react to what we undergo and to what life throws at us by means of people and experiences which can be beautiful, painful, challenging or sorrowful. Recently a quote by Katherine MacKenett resonated greatly deep within my being. It said: ‘Now, every time I witness a strong person, I want to know: What dark did you conquer in your story? Mountains do not rise without earthquakes.’ How really true is that statement! Don’t we all go through our dark moments, don’t we all have ups and downs? Mountains albeit majestically beautiful, have come about because the ground beneath them has undergone an onslaught of pressure. Don’t we all feel under pressure, some times more than others? But by God’s unfailing grace, love and mercy, let us strive to allow the pain we experience to soften us and make us more beautiful by becoming truly empathic, authentic and genuine people who make a difference by their mode of being. Let us remember that stars shine brightest when the night is darkest. Life is way too short to remain stuck in resentment, unforgiveness, hatred and vengeance. It is a sheer waste of precious potential. Life will never come our way again so we must make our one shot at it, memorable. Hence, let us learn to let go and let God do the rest. If people hurt you, forgive and let it go in God’s hands. If persons have spread lies about you, let it go in God’s hands. Their lies do not determine your truth. Those who really know you, can see where the truth lies. If life has dealt you a big blow, a deep loss, a gnawing pain, give it to God and let Him help you carry the cross. Despite everything, let us strive to seek out the good we unfailingly have, let us focus on it and be grateful for it. And by doing so, it will multiply even more because gratitude will teach us how not to take any loved one, and nothing we have, forgranted! With this in our heart and mind, dear Óajja Salesjana readers, I wish you all well as we draw to the close of 2019. Fr. Sandro Camilleri sdb