Hajja Salesjana July-September 2019

5 H AJJA S ALESJANA In 2000, the Salesians acquired a small farm house built on two and a half tumoli of land in Zebbug, Malta. It is used by a small group of celibate lay-men, inspired by the Salesian spirit and known as Brothers of Christ. In 2007, a Maltese confrere, Fr. Fabio Attard, was elected Councillor for Youth Ministry on the General Council of the Congregation. From time to time, a good number of Salesian missionaries left Malta to help the Church in other countries. At present, Maltese SDBs and FMAs are working abroad in Australia, England, Ireland, India, Italy, France, and the United States. Maltese confreres, like Frs. Nazzareno Camilleri, Joseph Ciantar, Carmel Attard, and others worked hard for the growth of the Congregation in various ways at world level. All this shows how the small islands of Malta and Gozo have always contributed to the worldwide Salesian mission. For years we Salesians had sought ways and means of breaking out of the Dingli-Sliema axis and expanding our work towards the densely populated, working class south. An opportunity presented itself when the Jesuits approached the Bishop to announce that they intended to close their work in Senglea. Bishop Paul Cremona enquired of us if we were interested in taking over from the Jesuits. Following a process of prayer and discernment the Delegation saw in this the long-sought opportunity to expand into the south of the island. Thus, in 2008, three Salesians set up a community in St Philip’s Convent. Apart from a public Church and supporting the Parish, we now run a Youth Centre, a Homework Club, summer camps, a children’s choir and chaplaincies to St Edwards College and MCAST (Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology). In Senglea we Salesians also run cultural and community- based projects through our NGO “Home Away