Hajja Salesjana July-September 2019

H AJJA S ALESJANA 4 Choose wisely We only have one life to live! We live in a fast-changing, fast-paced world that constantly evolves, generates and creates new ideas, new things and new gadgets. It is a proven fact that change is happening quicker and faster than ever before. It is no longer a generational change that we face regularly but an overall change that occurs even as fast as every five years or even less! TVs, radios, computers, mobiles, electronic gadgets and all technological paraphernalia keep on evolving at breakneck speed. By the time one has got used to a new gadget, a new one is already hot on the market stalls. Come to think of it, this change leaves us breathless. This change can also be seen in other social spheres too and one has to admit, that this much trumpeted change is not always for the better as sometimes, just for the sake of saying that we are moving on with the times, we risk throwing away the proverbial babywith the bath water. We must be able to pause, reflect, think and wisely decide rather than allow ourselves to simply be carried away haplessly by this revolving change that at times is more like a runaway train with no breaks at all! Admittedly, the more years pile on our finite existence here on Earth, the harder it becomes to constantly strive to catch up and remain up to date with all that is new and innovative. Obviously, this then causes bigger gaps between one generation and another. However, in the midst of this maelstrom, in which we can easily get sucked up unless aware of what is pulsating and swirling around us, one thing remains ever constant, one thing remains ever the same, one thing never changes – God, His Love for us and His eternal Word. God is in an eternal now and is not limited to past, present and future as we are. He sees all and perceives everything in one eternal instant. For Him, all is plainly in sight before Him while we have to settle to proceed in a past, present and future mode. Hence, even though our world continues to move forward, whether towards a progression or a regression is another argument, we would be truly wise if we hold onto the solid Rock of Ages that is forever sovereign over time and space. His Love, His Word, His guidance, His insights, His teachings remain valid for all time, no matter what is going on and what is invented in our societies. His Word is eternal and if we are to be considered His real and genuine friends, then we must fully abide by His Word, follow His Word and live by His Word even when it is no longer upheld, even when it is no longer popular, even when it is ridiculed, even when living it is tantamount to be ostracized and persecuted both openly or subtly. If we wish to live a coherent life, if we wish to be happy here and in the hereafter, if we want to be human beings and not simply human doings, if we wish to make a difference for the better by our existence, then we must do whatever God tells us to do for He surely knows what is best for us, His creation. The choice is now in your hands – either opt to live our life as if on an unstoppable treadmill, or else choose to be different and live life one day at a time guided by God’s love, mercy and truth for He alone is The Way, The Truth and The Life we yearn for. Therefore, let us choose wisely and remember that after all, we only have one life to live! Fr. Sandro Camilleri sdb