Hajja Salesjana July-September 2019

26 H AJJA S ALESJANA Why Did You Make Me Black Lord Lord… Why did you make me black? Why did you make someone the world would hold back?... Black is the colour of dirty clothes, of grimy hands and feet...... Black is the colour of darkness, of tired beaten streets... Why did you give me thick lips, a broad nose and kinky hair? Why did you create someone who receives the hated stare? Black is the colour of the bruised eye when someone gets hurt... Black is the colour of darkness, black is the colour of dirt. Why is my bone structure so thick, my hips and cheeks so high? Why are my eyes brown, and not the colour of the sky? Why do people think I'm useless? How come I feel so used? Why do people see my skin The Black Prayer - Author Unknown Photo by Trevor Cole from www.unsplash.com