Hajja Salesjana July-September 2019

15 H AJJA S ALESJANA theme indeed that leads us SDBs here and now, to reflect upon our identity today in this fast- changing, fast-paced world we live in. Throughout the Chapter we were also blessed to have both young people and lay people with us. Both groups were specifically invited and chosen to represent the myriad of young people and lay persons who share our mission and with whom we work with side by side. It was a blessing to be together as a Salesian family on this historic event for us as Maltese Salesians and it was surely no coincidence that all this took place during the month of Mary, in a Marian retreat centre and a few days prior to Pentecost – one of the great liturgical celebrations of our faith whereby thanks to the dynamism of God’s Spirit, the apostles let go of their fears and let God take control. They were no longer weighed down by their doubts but were freed to allow God to work in and through them; something which Mary herself had done when She said her ‘YES’ to God at the annunciation. Like them, and like Mary, we humbly desire to allow God to use us and work in and through us for the benefit of all the young people we are blessed with. The future looks bright, beckoning and promising. May God’s will continue to materialise in Salesian Malta and Gozo from an evanescent dream to a well grounded reality in the here and now for the greater glory of God as we journey forward.