Hajja Salesjana Apr-June 2019

traditional boat of the Amazonian rainforest) to visit remote villages along the river bank. There, Fr. Ray, who is also a professional doctor, provided healthcare to the sick, since they had limited access to medical services so far away from the mainland! Meanwhile, Shawn and I organised games for the children and donated each one a bag of stationery. We always ended the visits by a celebration of mass, giving these people the rare opportunity to receive the Eucharist. Learning about such diverse lifestyles, and the simple gratitude of the village residents, will always remain etched in our memories. Most of all, Fr. Ray’s energy and dedication to reach so many people in need is truly remarkable and we thank him for the opportunities he gave us to volunteer in the Peruvian society. 9 H AJJA S ALESJANA All photos in this article by Shaun & Chantelle Xuereb