Hajja Salesjana Apr-June 2019

H AJJA S ALESJANA 4 Be bold enough to be knights of Christ’s Light In a world that is growing increasingly dark as it steadily drifts away from Jesus Christ who is the Light of the world, Easter reminds us that darkness and its minions have been forever vanquished, overcome, shattered, dispelled and trampled triumphantly upon by the victorious Risen Christ who has opened up a path for us to lead us to His Kingdom of Light. In an effusion of dazzling light, Christ rose from the grave to remind us that He is our forever living God who is always by our side, no matter what we might think, fathom, go through or feel. Yet alas, as St. John says in his prologue, “The Word was the true light that enlightens all men: and he was coming into the world. He was in the world that had its being through him, and the world did not know him. He came to his own domain and his own people did not accept him” (Jn. 1, 8 – 11) In fact many seem oblivious to this rock solid truth of the resurrection which is the cornerstone of our Catholic faith, and instead opt to live in the shadows, to dwell in darkness, hiding away from the bright light of Christ’s Truth that is proclaimed daily by His Church through His Word. Easter reminds us that the storms of life do not last forever and that goodness will always prevail even though it might seem otherwise. Easter reminds us that Life is stronger than death, that integrity and genuineness will at last be victorious despite the fact that reality seems totally otherwise nowadays, in our fallen dark world, due to the onslaught of a myriad things that surely do not stem from the Risen Christ’s triumphant Light. As followers of Jesus Christ, here and now, we must be bold enough to be knights of Christ’s Light, carriers of burning lamps of faith, so that wherever we may be and with whomsoever we are, like fireflies in the dark night, we may spread the Risen Lord’s light effortlessly, dispelling darkness by our authentic Christian living which ultimately boils down to love of God and neighbor in word and deed. This is my wish for all of us as Salesian Family that we may all be messengers of light in a world that has opted to conveniently dwell in the dark. In so doing, we can make our little corner of the world, a brighter and better place. Will you join the army of Light? The choice is in your hands but if you agree, you and I would be truly Easter people that would spread Christ’s light beyond the realms of today and far into the future. Have a bright and blessed Easter! Jesus is truly risen and is forever with us. And that makes all the difference now and beyond! Hallelujah! Fr. Sandro Camilleri sdb