Hajja Salesjana Apr-June 2019

34 H AJJA S ALESJANA Photo: By Chris Benson – www.unsplash.com It was with a heavy heart that I learnt suddenly as I browsed through my mobile that a dear friend of mine and priest had passed away suddenly right on the day love is celebrated- 14th Feb. 2019. Aware that Fr. Noel Vella was recovering at San Raffaele Hospital for over four weeks following a major operation, together with my Salesian community and parish we earnestly prayed for his wellbeing and full recovery so that we could share life with him once again. Nevertheless, we also ended our prayer by telling the Lord, “However, You know what is best. We entrust him to You. Your will be done!” And sure enough Fr. Noel was very serene and very open to whatever God wanted from him. While striving to recover and overcome his ailments, he always repeated that he only desired for God’s will to be done in his life and he was totally sincere about it. He completely let go and let God, entrusting himself to Our Blessed Mother, whom he dearly loved. This made all the difference because he remained tranquil and calm while the storm around him raged. He knew he was in the best place possible – held in God’s arms while His will for him unfurled gradually but surely. Indeed, Fr. Noel was loved and respected by all parishioners at St. Gregory’s. He practically spent all his ministerial priesthood serving these parishioners of St. Gregory the Great in Sliema where he was held in high esteem by all. Totally unassuming, humble, genuine, honest, good natured, loving, sincere, encouraging, an excellent listener and a holy priest ... that was who he was. We thank God for gracing us with a gift like him. We will all cherish his gentle impact on our lives and we will forever treasure his friendship and care. Like the wise virgins in the Gospel, without any shadow of doubt, Fr. Noel was ready for his meeting with his Master and Lord, Jesus Christ, whom he loved with all his being. His filial love towards Our Blessed Mother sure enough, assisted him in this preparedness. Hence, when the Lord surprisingly knocked at the door of his life, Fr. Noel serenely opened and was invited to join the eternal banquet in Heaven. He was found ready and prepared for the great encounter. May his wise and humble example teach us to always trust God’s will for us and to always be prepared for that special moment when Jesus, Our All and our Love, will call us Home, where we truly belong. Pray for us from Heaven Fr. Noel so that we may remain steadfast in our love for Jesus, just like you, despite whatever we encounter in life. Till we meet again, farewell dear and thank you for allowing God to use you in such a simple and yet profound way. Rest forever in His embrace good and faithful servant. An appreciation for Fr. Noel Vella (R.I.P.) by Fr. Sandro Camilleri sdb