Hajja Salesjana Apr-June 2019

29 H AJJA S ALESJANA Photo: © Paul Natkin / Getty Images "Man In The Mirror" Michael Jackson I'm gonna make a change For once in my life It's gonna feel real good Gonna make a difference Gonna make it right As I turn up the collar on My favourite winter coat This wind is blowin' my mind I see the kids in the street With not enough to eat Who am I to be blind Pretending not to see their need? A summer's disregard A broken bottle top And a one man's soul They follow each other on the wind you know 'Cause they got nowhere to go That's why I want you to know I'm starting with the man in the mirror I'm asking him to change his ways And no message could have been any clearer If you wanna make the world a better place Take a look at yourself and then make a change I've been a victim of A selfish kind of love It's time that I realize That there are some with no home, Not a nickel to loan Could it be really me Pretending that they're not alone? A willow deeply scarred Somebody's broken heart And a washed-out dream (Washed-out dream) They follow the pattern of the wind, You see 'Cause they got no place to be That's why I'm starting with me I'm starting with the man in the mirror I'm asking him to change his ways And no message could have been any clearer If you wanna make the world a better place Take a look at yourself and then make a change Rit... Ilkoll kemm a˙na nag˙rfu li d-dinja mhijiex kif g˙andha tkun. Hawn ˙afna nies bil-©u˙, foqra, imwarrba u jg˙ixu fl-g˙aks. Façli tg˙id li dan hu dmir il-gvernijiet biex jag˙mlu differenza g˙al a˙jar imma mbag˙ad int ma tag˙mel xejn b’˙ajtek! Kemm ikun a˙jar kieku lkoll kemm a˙na ng˙idu lill-persuna li naraw fil-mera kull filg˙odu i.e. lilek innifsek, ‘Mur u ag˙mel il-©id kif, fejn u meta tista’!’ Kieku d-dinja tkun ˙afna a˙jar milli hi llum g˙ax kul˙add, bil-ftit tieg˙u, jag˙mel dak li jista’ biex itejjeb iç-çirkustanzi mweg˙ra ta’ madwaru. M’hemmx g˙alfejn immorru bog˙od wisq biex nag˙mlu differenza g˙al a˙jar u biex nag˙mlu l-©id – ibda minn darek, minn familtek stess u mbag˙ad kompli fuq ix-xog˙ol, fl-iskola u fl-università tieg˙ek, kompli fis-supermarket u fil-˙wienet li tmur tixtri fihom.... ibda minn hemm u tara kif ftit ftit, l-eΩempju jkaxkar, u int u o˙rajn tibdew tkunu messa©©iera ta’ m˙abba u karita’ vera kull fejn tmorru. Sfida sabi˙a li tnissel tama ©dida kieku lkoll lesti nag˙mluha realtà hawn u issa minflok noqog˙du nistennew il-bajtra taqa’ f’˙alqna!