Hajja Salesjana Apr-June 2019

H AJJA S ALESJANA The Music Box Riflessjonijiet fuq siltiet muΩikali mill-Editur 28 I will not make the same mistakes that you did I will not let myself Cause my heart so much misery I will not break the way you did You fell so hard I've learned the hard way To never let it get that far Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me Because of you I am afraid I lose my way And it's not too long before you point it out I cannot cry Because I know that's weakness in your eyes I'm forced to fake A smile, a laugh every day of my life My heart can't possibly break When it wasn't even whole to start with Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me Because of you I am afraid ..... Diska qawwija b’messa©© daqstant ie˙or qawwi. Ilkoll kemm a˙na kellna persuni f’ ˙ajjitna li ppruvaw iwe©©g˙una, ikissruna u jag˙tnuna ta˙t il-kattiverja tag˙hom. IΩda mill- banda l-o˙ra lkoll nafu kemm sforz g˙amilna biex ma n˙allux lil kliemhom u lil g˙emilhom jaffetwawna fil-˙ajja tag˙na ta’ kuljum. Façli tg˙id li mhux se jaffetwawk g˙ax b’ xi mod jew ie˙or ikunu xellfu l-fiduçja tieg˙ek innifsek fik innifsek imma l-Mulej jibg˙atlek nies li jg˙inuk ter©a’ tag˙raf il-valur tieg˙ek anke jekk ˙addie˙or ipprova jkassbru u jg˙af©u ta˙t saqajh. Dawn in-nies li ji©u biex jer©g˙u jibnuk il- Mulej jag˙tihomlok sabiex tibda kapitlu ©did u ma tibqax skjav tal-passat. Kemm hu sew kieku minn kull esperjenza qarsa tal-˙ajja, nitg˙allmu dejjem iΩjed sabiex nikbru f’ ir©iel u nisa tassew ta’ veru, bla maskri u bla wçu˙ li ma jibΩg˙ux imbag˙ad jg˙inu lil ˙addie˙or minn dak li jkunu sofrew u g˙addew minnu huma. Min hu m©arrab, jaf jifhem u jag˙der ˙afna iktar minn min qatt ma bata! "Because Of You" Kelly Clarkson Photo: © Ethan Miller / Getty Images