Hajja Salesjana Apr-June 2019

15 H AJJA S ALESJANA According to the introductory panel, “In the United States alone, thanks to assistance from the Knights of Columbus, The Cardinal Newman Society  and  The Real Presence Association and Education , with the support of Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, the exhibition has been hosted in thousands of parishes and more than 100 universities.” The panels have traveled to all five continents and have inspired many by their amazing photographs and beautiful stories. Acutis once said, “To always be close to Jesus, that’s my life plan.” In his brief life on Earth he achieved that goal and remained close to Jesus in whatever he did, whether it was praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament for hours, creating websites, or going to school like every other teenager. You don’t have to be a good student to be holy His mother said about him, “His immense generosity made him interested in everyone: the foreigners, the disabled, children, beggars. To be close to Carlo was to be close to a fountain of fresh water… [he] understood the true value of life as a gift from God, as an effort, an answer to give to the Lord Jesus day by day in simplicity.” She further pointed out, “I should stress that he was a normal boy who was joyful, serene, sincere, and helpful and loved having company. He liked having friends.” He remains an inspiration, especially to teenagers who aren’t sure whether they could be both holy and “normal” and individually unique. “All people are born as originals,” he said, “but many die as photocopies.” To die as an “original,” Carlo maintained, was to be guided by Christ, and to look at Him constantly. While he may have led a devout prayer life — he went to mass everyday — Carlo was very much interested in being a teenager in the 21st century. While his interests were very broad, he also found time to volunteer for work with children and the elderly for, as he said, “Our aim has to be the Infinite and not the finite. The Infinite is our homeland. We have always been expected in Heaven.” The next stage in the canonization process is to send all the biographical works accumulated to Rome to be reviewed by the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints. If approved, the cause for Carlo Acutis will proceed and the Holy Father can declare him to be “venerable.”