Hajja Salesjana Apr-June 2019

13 H AJJA S ALESJANA 3. In which way are you part of the Salesian Family? I form an integral part of the Salesian Family as a committed Salesian priest who works at St. Alphonsus Community in Sliema as the Oratory Director and Bursar, amongst other responsibilities within the Salesian Theatre and the Oratory’s Live-In area. 4. Who is Don Bosco for you and what strikes you most about him? Don Bosco’s varied and colourful life experience, struck me deeply. His fighting spirit and determined outlook to achieve his goals, attracted me to imitate him and offer my own life to God, for the good of the young. The fact that he lost his father at the age of 2, being brought up by a good and holy mother in a poor environment, being bullied by his brother, having to leave home at a young age in search for a job, having to face so many challenges to reach his goal, being misunderstood by his own peers, seeking job opportunities for the young, visiting the prisoners and the marginalised, were all characteristics that energized me to actively participate in keeping his dream alive. His, was an unusual way. The secret behind his energy was the great love he had for God and for the young. What message would you like to pass on to the readers of Óajja Salesjana? My hope in writing this article is that anyone reading it may be inspired to either join-in or strengthen their commitment towards the Salesian Mission. Whatever your age, profession, belief and experience there is room for you, to give and receive from the richness and beauty of Don Bosco’s charisma. If you are still in time to explore the option of offering your whole life to God for the good of the young, allow me to encourage you. Do not be afraid or disheartened, to explore this option. Any choice in life demands a commitment. Ours is a beautiful life as we try to do our best to serve God and the young. May the inspiration I have found in Don Bosco, be also found by you. 6. 5. Is there a phrase or a sentence from Don Bosco that inspires you in your life? ‘That you are young is enough for me to love you’, ‘For you I study, for you I work, for you I am ready to give my life’, ‘I have promised God to give till my last breadth, to you’, ‘Education is a matter of the heart’, ‘The young can be so much at risk, yet so rich in promise’ - these are among my favourite quotes from our Founder and Teacher. performed Vocation Work. Two full years characterised by accompanying the young, organising spiritual and social activities and teaching, as I continued to learn what community and consecrated life is all about. The more time I spent with the young the more I was challenged to be totally committed towards dedicating my life for their service.