Hajja Salesjana Apr-June 2019

H AJJA S ALESJANA A brief introduction to yourself, your family and your studies. I was born in Attard, many years ago! The youngest of 6 children, in fact 3 boys and 3 girls. Mine is a working class family in which both my parents had to work to make ends meet. Their good example, sense of justice and simplicity of life provided me with essential life-lessons. They were not only keen to provide for our basic needs but in a very natural way, showed us that there is more to life than just being settled and having a good job. Choosing to believe in a personal God who is present even in His absence, is the best inheritance they left me. Life’s hardships were always part and parcel of my and my family's life story; yet thanks to my parents, I learnt to adopt a survivor’s attitude who relies on a God who saves. Countryside walks, bicycle rides, playing rough football in fields, catechism at the MUSEUM, attending St. Francis School in Msida, serving as an altar boy at the nearby Theresian sanctuary, are all part of fond childhood memories. 1. How did you come to know Don Bosco? My early adolescent years were marked by the education I received at Savio College – the place in which I came to know and love Don Bosco. Readingbooksabout his lifeadventures ignited in me an attraction to explore and understand further, the motivation behind his attitude and behaviour. His down to earth and effective way of educating and expressing his faith, challenged me on a deep and personal level to the extent that I decided to give the Salesian consecrated life, a go. Going to the novitiate in Ireland, was quite a challenge. Leaving the familiar faces and places in search of a particular way of life, was not an easy decision to take. But all in all the initial formation years provided the right stamina to get me through my practical training which I did in Dingli. These were 2 beautiful years in which I taught at Savio College, worked at the Dingli Oratory and 2. Fr. Charlie Said SDB Mill-album tal-Familja Salesjana 12