Hajja Salesjana Apr-June 2019

10 H AJJA S ALESJANA Recently SPYS, Salesian Pastoral Youth Service, organized a live-in as part of their on-going formation.  The main aim of the live-in was that the members understand better what it means to be a Spyser. Each session was focused on different aspects, mainly what is SPYS, who are the different groups that belong to SPYS and what is the organization’s future. SPYS is a Salesian organization founded 23 years ago and has a voluntary basis. Each entity in SPYS has a different aim but all with the same goal of helping those in need, the Salesian way. At the moment, there are three main groups which form part of SPYS. These are Spys.int, YES (Youths Engage in Senglea) and the DBYN (Don Bosco Youth Network). Spys.int focuses on voluntary work overseas, YES organizes the YES camp every year which is mainly aimed towards the youth in Senglea and DBYN offers experiences in Europe through Erasmus+. Whenever Salesians are around, there tends to be a lot of noise and positive energy. This is also part of what being a Spyser is all about. During the sessions, the members were given a chance to show this positive energy and to discuss more on the identity of SPYS. Each organization pointed out their current strengths and where improvement can be made. Discussions were also made on how the members can improve in the future and become more known in the community. The group had some time for prayer through daily mass, animated with hymns. However, the live-in would not be complete without the important element of the playground. There was also some time for an enjoyable activity and a short night walk. The live-in ended on a positive note as the group went out to enjoy lunch. This was definitely an amazing and unforgettable experience for every Spyser. SPYSers in becoming… by Martina Livori All photos in this article by Martina Livori