Hajja Salesjana Jan-Mar 2019

H AJJA S ALESJANA A brief introduction to yourself, your family and your studies. I am Jean Paul Mutombo Matala, son of Anaclet and Petronille. I was born on 11/11/1991 in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo. I am part of a family of seven children including myself, five boys and two girls. We are all Catholic Christians and committed to the service of the Church, each according to his devotion. Regarding my studies, I did all my education and university studies in Lubumbashi, where, in 2009, I obtained my baccalaureate in General Pedagogy at Kitumaini Institute. In 2015 I graduated in Philophy at the Institut Supérieur de Philosophie Saint Jean Bosco. 1. How did you come to know Don Bosco? I must say that I knew Don Bosco since my early childhood, in the sense that I was born and raised in the place where the first Salesian missionaries arrived in my country. I frequented the Salesian school, the parish run by the Salesians an the Salesian patronage i.e. Oratory. It was there that I learnt about Don Bosco and his charisma through the Salesian tradition known of the good-night and through reflections, youth retreats and other Salesian activities. What impressed me most was the way the Salesian missionaries and our own Salesians were a living Don Bosco to us. All this fascinated me and left me with only one choice, that of entering into an experience of a given life for the wholistic education of young people, especially those in difficulty and for the salvation of souls, including my own. 2. Br. Jean Paul Mutombo Matala SDB Mill-album tal-Familja Salesjana 12