Hajja Salesjana October - December 2018

started to take place and the emergence of this new and pressing apostolic demand led us to a decision to address our efforts elsewhere. Thus, in 1987 we decided to stop going to Luqa but the deep bond of friendship that had developed between the Salesians and the young people who attended the Oratory lingers on to this day. By the 1970s formation had become an important issue for the Delegation who had a number of confreres studying at INSERM and then at Maynooth (starting 1973) and Beckford. Then the British Province decided to transfer its students to what was basically a cold section of the Seminary in Ushaw College. The arrangement was inadequate and created new difficulties. Sending our students in formation to Maynooth appeared to be the more practical option, however it would also have resulted in the members of the British Provincial Council having rather diminished contact with the students they would be called upon to discuss in view of admission to vows and ordination. In 1980 the issue was discussed at the Provincial Chapter held in Bollington, UK and following the presentation of a proposal by Fr Charles Cini, a train of events led to a choice being made, and the Maltese Delegation was created (1980) as part of the Irish Province, which itself had also separated from the British Province in 1972. The Irish Provincial, Fr. Joseph Harrington, continued to delegate more powers to the Maltese Delegate adding on to what the British Provincial had already given to his representative in Malta. We now started to move ahead, making good progress. 27 for your generous donations sent recently to Óajja Salesjana. God bless you all! Photo: © iStock.com/roobcio