Hajja Salesjana October - December 2018

25 just wonder where the 25 years have gone by. I continue to find in priesthood a constant invitation to offer others a felt presence, as I try to welcome, anyone, whoever and wherever. Colour, nationality, orientation, or creed is no barrier for in Christ, we are all one body. The priesthood-calling derives from the realm of the universal, a reality much larger than I, that encourages an attentive attitude, to notice minute details so that every particular situation or person is not gone unnoticed but acknowledged and offered the much needed serenity, equilibrium, rhythm and balance in life. As a priest I am sent to share the peace of Christ with families, individuals and society at large, so that we can adopt a practice to be still with whatever is, while allowing God to be God. God is comfortable with our reality and would I be right in saying that he seems to have a soft spot for us, His creatures? While I believe that His love is unconditional, I am still learning how to translate this into practice. With Him there is always another chance, another day, another time but His work in us can only be displayed, if we allow Him. Sharing with Him a selfie of our internal reality is a good way forward for growth rather than sharing the masked external selfie. The more we seek Him, the better are the chances to find Him. In this search lies the desire to love Him. This is the graced presence that I desire to be for others, as I continue to learn what priesthood is all about, as inspired by the Caller. In this qualitative presence, others will hopefully find an external unifyingpresence that supportsandencourages them to strengthen their commitment towards personal salvation. My prayer is that I may never become immune to human suffering, sinfulness and spiritual dryness. I hope that I may be a prophetic voice in today’s society, which is choosing to weaken our need to believe and communicate with the unseen and the Holy, in the name of democracy or consensus. I believe that Christ through priesthood wants to tackle and hold the uncertainty of life, the unreasonable suffering, the absence of love and light, the wounded relationships, the sinful structures that create abuse and wounds. Hopefully Christ will continue to work in and through me, so that I may serve as a replica of Jesus for the people of God. Woe to me if during my homilies I do not ignite a love for God and an understanding of how God is working in our streets, houses and hearts. May I continue to have the energy to sustain a balance between the active and the contemplative, the rural and the urban, the questions and the answers, talkingand listening, so that life experiences are transformed into prayers offered up like incense that provide an aura of sacredness amidst the daily rhythm of life. Let us pray for pro-active young persons who are ready to set their dreams aside in favour of living this priesthood dream.