Hajja Salesjana July September 2018

34 The Salesian Oratory will be staging a theatre production this September to mark the 10 th anniversary from the beginning of the Salesian Worship Team – a group of youths within the Oratory that animate weekly Sunday mass at the Oratory Chapel. The production will be centred around the notion of perception : the audience will get to know a character solely through the perceptions – positive and negative – of those around him. Members of the audience will therefore form different opinions on the events unfolding. Throughout the course of this production, we aim to encourage the active participation and creative expression of our members in the arts sector. We also aim to provide a leadership experience to as many of our young people as possible and allow them to practice and discover new talents. The production is being spear-headed by a group of twenty-five dynamic youths from the Oratory and beyond. Work on the concept, original script, music composition and choreography, as well as other logistical planning has been going on since October 2017, and although this was quite a long process, we are now enjoying the fruits of our labour, as week by week we are seeing the various pieces of our puzzle falling in place. The journey for this production will come to its fulfillment on Friday 28 th and Saturday 29 th September 2018 at Teatru Salesjan, Sliema. We look forward to share all our hard work and experiences with our audience! Break a leg to all involved. Summer Production at the Salesian Oratory, Sliema by Cheryl Camilleri