Hajja Salesjana July September 2018

1 1 When I find no spiritual goodness in these people, for what they say or write, I simply pray for them” . These are some of the words that Pope Francis addressed to the Jesuits during the talk behind closed doors last January in Santiago de Chile. To the question on the “joys and sorrows” of the pontificate, Pope Bergoglio answered, “This pontificate is a rather quiet period. From the moment I realized what was going to happen in the Conclave – an instant surprise for me – I felt a great peace. And until today that peace has not left me. It is a gift from the Lord , for which I am grateful. I really hope that He will not take it away from me. The things that do not take peace away from me, but sadden me, are gossip . I don’t like gossip, it upsets and saddens me. It often happens in “closed worlds”. When it happens in a context of priests or religious men and women, I wonder: But how is this possible? You, who have left everything, you, who have decided not to have a woman beside you, you, who have not married, you have no children… you want to end up like a blabbing bachelor? Oh, my God, what a sad life!”…. Pope Francis: I Don’t Read Websites That Accuse Me From Vatican Insider “For mental health reasons, I do not read the websites of this so-called “resistance”. I know who they are, I know the groups, but I do not read them, simply for my mental health… Some resistances come from people who believe they have the true doctrine and accuse you of being heretical.