Hajja Salesjana April June 2018

23 If you do, you are pumping fuel in a car that moves backwards. Let go of what did not work out. For once you are in a negative trend, it’s hard to pull out of that loop, to stop that broken record. This happens especially when we talk -- when we chatter about the negativity of others. It fades quickly, does this “fix,” this feeling of superiority and then we are left only with the vacancy of that darkness (gossip). Correction is one thing. That’s done with positive emotion. Criticism is another. How many do you know are harsh, critical and self-righteous even in matters that are supposed to be spiritual? Why do so many of the self-righteous end up in scandal? This turns people off. So does whininess. Ask this:  How often does anger or whining or criticality or debate cause change that is good? How often does resentment have a positive fruit? How many people are “argued” into Heaven? “Now, it’s normal to have a bad day or just be in a bad mood from time to time,” says one on-line counsellor. “But if you do it a lot or pretty much all the time, if you spend most of your time in that headspace then simply put, people will probably not just be bored. They will start to avoid hanging out/talking to you.” We should cast out evil, not simply point it out -- and not hover over faults. It’s what Jesus did. He didn’t ignore evil -- but it wasn’t His entire focus. Negativity drains you. Instead of sunlight, you become a cloud. Let go, lighten up. The more we pray, the more we will learn to help, instead of critique -- instead of scrutinize. Encourage. Assist. It can be as simple as a smile and something nice said into the eyes of another. Pray for folks and thinking positively of them comes easier. It’s what we are called to do. Just hold up a light. That’s all. It’s simple. Just hold up the Light. However small, just choose to be a lamp, a nightlight, in the darkness. And by doing so, you will make a difference and be the difference here and now.