Hajja Salesjana January March 2018

29 I Turn To You Mel C When the world is darker than I can understand. When nothing turns out the way I planned. When the sky turns grey and there’s no end in sight. When I can’t sleep through the lonely night. (Rit.:) I turn to you. Like a flower leaning toward the sun. I turn to you. ‘Cos you’re the only one. Who can turn me around when I’m upside down. I turn to you. When my insides are wracked with anxiety. You have the touch that will quiet me. You lift my spirit. You melt the ice. When I need inspiration, when I need advice. (Rit.) Where would I be? What would I do? If you’d never helped me through. I hope someday if you’ve lost your way. You could turn to me like I turn to you. (Rit.) I turn to you. When fear tells me to turn around. I turn to you. ‘Cos you’re the only one. Who can turn me around when I’m upside down. I turn to you. I turn to you. I turn to you. G˙alkemm din id-diska ˙ar©et xi snin ilu iΩda xorta wa˙da g˙adha tinstema’ tindaqq fuq l-istazzjonijiet tar-radju probabilment min˙abba l-lirika sinjifikattiva li fiha. Hawn il- kantanta qed trodd ˙ajr lill-persuna partikolari f’ ˙ajjitha li kienet hemm g˙aliha meta l-aktar kellha bΩonn, meta d-dinja tag˙ha b˙al donnha ma baqg˙etx tag˙mel iktar sens. Tistqarr li b˙alma fjura ddur lejn ix-xemx, hekk hi ddur lejn din il-persuna g˙aΩiΩa sabiex twennisha, ssa˙˙a˙ha u tg˙inha to˙ro© minn dan il- mument ta’ dlam. U mhux ilkoll ng˙addu minn dawn l-esperjenzi? Mhux kollha jkollna mumenti fejn in˙ossu li ˙ajjitna g˙addejja minn mina mudlama jew minn labirint u nkunu nixtiequ lil min jaqbdilna idejna biex imexxina lejn id-dawl u lejn spazji wesg˙in, lil hinn minn kull g˙eluq u qtig˙-il qalb? U hawn il-kantanta ΩΩid tg˙id kliem li fakkarni fil-Mulej: ‘ You have the touch that will quiet me. You lift my spirit. You melt the ice .’ M’huwiex dan li jag˙mel mag˙na Ìesu’ permezz tal-Qrar u t-Tqarbin? Mhuwiex hu li b˙ar-rag˙aj it-tajjeb ji©i jfittixna u jerfag˙na fuq spalltu u jikkalmalna l-burraxki interjuri tag˙na bil-paçi tieg˙u? Ming˙ajru m’ a˙na xejn u ma nag˙mlu xejn. U filfatt Mel C tistqarr ‘ Where would I be? What would I do? If you’d never helped me through? ’, kliem li çertament nistg˙u nattribwuh lill-Mulej li hu dejjem hemm fl-Ewkaristija sabiex jg˙inna nkomplu nterrqu fil-pellegrina©© tag˙na hawn fl-art.