Hajja Salesjana January March 2018
10 It was Fr Cafasso who encouraged Don Bosco to follow an educational activity such as priestly ministry among prisoners and Lenten catechism classes with particular concern for the young who had migrated from the countryside into Turin. Don Bosco, in later years, would often go to Fr Cafasso, his benefactor and confessor, both for advice and help. At the school of Fr Cafasso, Don Bosco strengthened and refined his spirituality: Christian hope; preference given to trusting God rather than to the fear of God; the sense of duty as a coherent Christian lifestyle; the fundamental importance to be given to the practice of the sacraments, an effective pastoral ministry; loyalty towards the Church and the Pope; the apostolic orientation towards abandoned youth; the meditation on the ‘last things’ and the exercise for a happy death. [Pietro Braido, Prevenire non Reprimere , (Roma: LAS, 2000), 145.] John Bosco found in Fr Cafasso (1) a good father and the much needed guide that helped him achieve human maturity. Lenti affirms that the “inner scars and confusions inherited from his (John Bosco’s) youth were healed through this relationship and he was able to achieve peace of mind, direction and freedom.” [Lenti, Don Bosco, History and Spirit I , 479.] (2) During his time at the Convitto Ecclesiastico and through Fr Cafasso’s teaching, John Bosco was also able to achieve theological maturity. He was able to integrate this theological knowledge into a meaningful whole for practical priestly ministry. (3) Under Fr Cafasso’s guidance, Don Bosco also attained vocational maturity through internship in various ministries, leading to the discovery of a certain category of young people to whom he felt personally called to serve. All this led to John Bosco’s fundamental option for the young. (4) Through Fr Cafasso’s spiritual direction, John Bosco achieved spiritual maturity. John’s vision of the spiritual life assumed a new understanding. Rather than a spirituality which embraced ascetical and devotional practices which were all based on fear, John opted for a spirituality which was grounded on the love of God and on pastoral charity toward neighbour, hence a Salesian spirituality in the making. Conclusion Through the love and example of these four people in particular, Don Bosco eventually became a great spiritual guide for many young people. Through their example, Don Bosco learnt that by building a loving relationship with young people, he could win over their hearts and accompany them in their spiritual journey. for your generous donations sent recently to Óajja Salesjana. God bless you all!
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