Hajja Salesjana November December 2017

22 Between the 8 th and the 16 th of August 2017, I was given the unique opportunity to spend 8 days in Turin as an animator during this year’s Confronto. I was extremely excited for a multitude of reasons, namely because I had never been to Turin, and so, I had never visited the many places which are so important to the Salesian family. I was also looking forward to experience being an animator in a multi-national exchange. Day 1 – 8 th August 2017 Our journey began very early in the morning – Jeanine Balzan Engerer, Mohamed El Bakry and I left together for Turin. We soon arrived at Valdocco, where we would be spending the first night of Confronto together with the other SYM Europe animators. Since we had arrived quite early, we had some time to visit the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians, and the rest of the Valdocco Oratory. Once the other animators had arrived, we started our introductory session, and we also started learning the dance for the SYM Europe anthem, “You’re in me Don Bosco”. We were then given a short tour of the Oratory grounds, after which we had a short presentation of the week’s program by the Small Team, and then celebrated mass together. After dinner, we had some time for games before having our first Good Night together as animators in the Basilica. Day 2 – 9 th August 2017 We started off our second day in Turin with a Lectio Divina, and after breakfast we left for Chieri. Once we had arrived at Chieri, we had a short moment for reflection, followed by a tour of the surroundings, including the seminary where Don Bosco studied. After this, we celebrated mass and started our journey towards Colle Don Bosco. At Colle, our real work as animators began. We were taken through the program day-by-day with the help of the Small Team. We were then divided into 3 groups (opening ceremony, animation and decorations), and set about planning the Confronto 2017 opening celebration. After dinner we went up to Colle, where we were shown around the Basilica and the place where Don Bosco had lived with his family. Actually seeing his home was such a humbling experience, as it showed how such a great man started from such humble origins. Day 3 – 10 th August 2017 Our third day in Turin began once again with a Lectio Divina, and after breakfast, we continued going through the programme for the up- coming days, as well as learning a few more dances and games which we could use during our international group sessions. By Cheryl Camilleri My Confronto 2017 Experience Photo on top: Cheryl is the one in the middle