Hajja Salesjana November December 2017

1 2 knowing how to deal with them in a healthy way. Don Bosco was capable of this, due to his personality that was open to the future, with a great spirit of initiative and audacious creativity. [Dacquino, Psicologia di Don Bosco, 82.] At a very young age John Bosco began to show a sincere desire to do good and began to exercise a beneficial influence over his companions, some older and bigger than him. At the tender age of nine John was already developing into a leader among the peasant children in the neighbourhood. Through tricks and stories, John managed to gather many friends around him and would then take the chance to teach catechism. [EBM 78]. According to Pietro Braido, Don Bosco’s recreational activities certainly played a major part in his formation. His mother not only allowed John to carry on with his activities but also sustained and encouraged him, and, perhaps reading the signs, decided to start him on formal schooling. [Pietro Braido, Prevenire non Reprimere (Roma: LAS, 2000), 140.] Conclusion Notwithstanding the fact that John Bosco was indeed hard headed and not the easiest of characters, fascinatingly he was able to achieve spiritual maturity because he was capable of letting himself be guided. He worked hard at growing in the virtue of humility and obedience and was open to significant adults who were willing to help and guide him along the path. In my next article, the benefits of Spiritual Direction in young John Bosco’s life will be looked into. Becchi - Don Bosco's childhood home