Hajja Salesjana September October 2017

28 The Music Box Symphony by Clean Bandit featuring Zara Larsson Diska mill-isba˙ b’ ritornell tassew tal-widna fejn il-kantanta turi x-xewqa li tkun parti mis- sinfonija tal-ma˙bub tag˙ha. U dan hu propju dak li Alla jixtieq minn g˙andna li nkunu parti mis-sinfonija sabi˙a tieg˙u g˙alina, sinfonija ta’ m˙abba, ˙niena, tjubija, integrità, sinçerità, paçi u ©id. IΩda jiddependi g˙al kollox minni u minnek naççettawx din l-istedina li nkunu parti mis-sinfonija eterna ta’ Alla. IΩda jekk naqblu Ωgur mhux forsi ˙ajjitna jkollha melodija tassew sabi˙a f’ dinja fejn l-istonaturi tal-mibeg˙da, tat-terroriΩmu, tal-©lied, tal-g˙ira u r-reg˙ba l-˙in kollu jΩarΩru madwarna. X’ differenza nag˙mlu jekk int u jien, iva nilqg˙u x-xewqa ta’ Alla u nsiru nota muΩikali sabi˙a mis-sinfonija eterna tieg˙u. I’ve been hearing symphonies Before all I heard was silence A rhapsody for you and me And every melody is timeless Life was stringing me along Then you came and you cut me loose Was solo singing on my own Now I can’t find the key without you And now your song is on repeat And I’m dancin’ on to your heartbeat And when you’re gone, I feel incomplete So if you want the truth I just wanna be part of your symphony Will you hold me tight and not let go? Symphony Like a love song on the radio Will you hold me tight and not let go? I’m sorry if it’s all too much Every day you’re here, I’m healing And I was runnin’ out of luck I never thought I’d find this feeling ‘Cause I’ve been hearing symphonie Before all I heard was silence A rhapsody for you and me Riflessjonijiet fuq siltiet muΩikali mill-Editur