Hajja Salesjana September October 2017

27 become fertile ground for forgiveness and growth. Following mass the crowd of around 260 had the opportunity to catch up with old friends. Sweet memories of the past flowed together with many anecdotes, whilst refreshing drinks, delicious burgers and hot dogs prepared by the Salesian Brigade were available for all present. Mr. Paul Buhagiar offered his musical talents to entertain the crowd and took us down memory lane when, together with Fr. Francis and other members, improvised some old songs sung by the Brigade and oratory members in the past. Mr. Ronnie Pugliesevich cracked a few jokes whilst group photos were being taken to commemorate this beautiful occasion. Indeed, such a grand event would not have been possible without the involvement of all: the Oratory community, the organizing team, the various Salesian Brigade cooks, helpers, entertainers and each and every individual who added value to the evening by their presence. If you wish to receive more information about our organization, feel free to send us an email on pastpupils@salesjani.org