Hajja Salesjana January February 2017

30 He, Fr. Munir El Raì, a Syrian born in Aleppo, spoke with me with tears in his eyes – not only for the sufferings of his home city and his people but also for the incredibly precious moments he is living in the midst of the bullets, bombs, and destruction. He said to me: “Don Bosco is more alive than ever in Syria, in Aleppo. In the midst of the wreckage and debris, the Salesian house keeps its doors open every day to welcome hundreds of boys, girls, teens, and young adults because we want life to continue though surrounded by so much death. And I can tell you that it is incredible how instead of diminishing, the number of young people coming grows and continues to increase. It moves me to see more than 1,500 boys, girls, and youths – double the number of former times – who want to come to Don Bosco’s house to meet with the others, to live, to pray, and to play.” He added: “I must tell you that it also moves me that my brother Salesians wish to remain among our people. They are able to leave if they want, because they can, but not one wishes to go, risking the same fate as our people’s.” I listened to him, unable to speak a word, myself deeply moved. Certainly Don Bosco is more alive than ever. Indubitably, he is so in Paradise, in that Other Life that is life in God, but also here, among us because there are hundreds and hundreds of Salesian Priests, Brothers, Sisters, laity, and youths who continue to live his dream and his educative and evangelizing mission, and his one-on-one encounter with each child and each youth. All the Salesians have remained there, and they bear the reflection of the Father whom we love The Message of the Rector Major Don Ángel Fernàndez Artime Dear Friends, readers of the Salesian Bulletin and my dear Salesian Family, I write this first greeting of the New Year to you with Don Bosco in mind, given his feast day is in January, and after having met with the Salesian Provincial of the Middle East. They tell me that in Aleppo DON BOSCO IS MORE ALIVE THAN EVER!