Hajja Salesjana November December 2016

NEWSPAPER POST ST.PATRICK’S SCHOOL ST. JOHN BOSCO STREET, SLIEMA SLM 1935 Once again Christmas is here reminding us all of the great lengths God the Father went through to show us His unfathomable love and mercy. He chose to send us His one and only beloved Son Jesus Christ as a fragile baby boy who, by the power of the Holy Spirit, was born from His Immaculate Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Jesus revealed to us the ravishingly beautiful face of God. On such a joyous occasion, I take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a serene Christmas and a blessed and healthy new year 2017 in the serene assurance that Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother Mary will journey forward with us all as they wisely guide us throughout our life’s voyage. Hajja Salesjana, Editor