Hajja Salesjana November December 2016

25 is love” (1 Jn 4:8, 16), John affirms for the first and only time in all of Holy Scripture. This love has now been made visible and tangible in Jesus’ entire life. His person is nothing but love, a love given gratuitously. The relationships he forms with the people who approach him manifest something entirely unique and unrepeatable. The signs he works, especially in the face of sinners, the poor, the marginalized, the sick, and the suffering, are all meant to teach mercy. Everything in him speaks of mercy. " We implore the grace to grow in mercy that no doubt makes us more human. Growing in Mercy generates peace in the heart and is the prerequisite and basis for happiness. We ask God that, in the words of the prophet Ezekiel, our heart may be not a heart of stone but a heart of flesh. I turn again to the words of Pope Francis who invites us to be moved by the reality of God's identity card: mercy, that mercy which is given to each of us and on condition that we make it alive with our brothers and sisters. Mercy, compassion, tenderness, kindness, tolerance, forgiveness ... these are just different aspects of the same rich reality. Which one of them do we need most at the moment? It's up to each of us to listen to the promptings of our heart and the concrete situations of our everyday life. NB: Since this article was originally written in April 2016 some paragraphs were removed as they pertained to that particular time. Thank you to those ð ajja Salesjana readers who have sent us financial contributions these past weeks. Their contributions are highly appreciated. We also thank those of you who will kindly be sending us donations throughout the forthcoming months. God bless your generous hearts.