Hajja Salesjana - May June 2016

34 31) Pray a Divine Mercy Chaplet as you are traveling to or from work. 32) Make a gratitude journal for your spouse and jot down little things he or she does that you’re grateful for. Bite your tongue and go write in it (or at least read it)the next time you want to criticize in a moment of frustration. 33) Learn to make an examination of conscience every night. Remembering God’s mercy each night helps us be merciful ourselves towards others. 34) Respond to provocation with the respect you wish a person would show you. 35) Live the prayer of the Our Father. Do not simply pray it like a parrot. 36) Take a few minutes during the week to stop at a church and sit before the Tabernacle simply to be with Christ, the Merciful One. If you cannot do that, meditate upon the crucifix. 37) Pray a novena for the good of someone you dislike. 38) Dig out your most attractive stationery and handwrite an actual letter to someone as a means of demonstrating his or her importance to you in your life. 39) Offer to read to someone who is feeling ill or is just feeling blue. 40) Ask the Holy Spirit to pray within you and for you when you cannot bring yourself to pray for someone who has done you an injury. 41) Lead with a kind comment with friends as well as strangers. 42) When conversations devolve into “the dark joy” of gossip, be the one to change the subject or steer away. 43) Can you play the piano, or any instrument? Can you recite poetry? Give free “concerts” to the forgotten people in nursing homes and assisted-living centers. 44) Visit the graves of your ancestors, or visit a local cemetery and walk around, praying a rosary for all the souls buried there. 45) Go on retreat. It’s a way to be merciful to yourself and the people around you, who know you  need  to go on retreat. If you cannot do that at least try to make a day, or evening, of recollection. 46) Admit your jealousy to yourself and your confessor. 47) Offer to pray with someone, even someone you encounter on the street or public transport who looks like they could use it. 48) Keep holy cards, short prayers or blessed medals handy and give them out to people you meet as you are inspired as a blessing to others. 49) With a few other people at your church, plan a party and invite all those from “the highways and byways” to come. 50) If someone you know seems to lack faith, share some of yours — tell him or her how Christ has changed your life. 51) Pay the parking fee for the person behind you. 52) Pray every day for the souls in purgatory. Pray for your deceased loved ones. And here is one last idea: Read St. John Paul II’s Dives in misericordia bit-by-bit throughout the year. *(fromInGod’scompany2blogspot)